This is my long-awaited and last post before my enlistment till I get out upon 2 weeks of confinement at Kranji Camp II.
I remembered the day whereby I received the letter from MINDEF and calculated roughly about 60 over days prior to my enlistment. I panicked and started to train up my physique and hoping that I could pass my NAPFA so as to skip the 8 weeks of additional fitness training and so prolong my free time in civilisation. I trained really hard and brother Lionel helped so much as well. Thank you bro for the support and effort!
Oh well, I failed the tests and so am enlisting on the actual day as planned. Kinda sad and depressed these few days but it's already final whereby I've got to face the music. There are many close friends whom shared their experiences and advices, I really do appreciate them and hope I will put them into good use.
Recently, I had been kinda busy getting prepared for my enlistment which is tomorrow. Had to get like plenty of stuff like insect repellent, toiletries, ample number of army clothes and also making a new spectacle at the optician. Have been also drinking alot with my friends and my sister Amanda had also just gotten back from Melbourne. Trying to be as positive as ever towards what I will be facing, difficult but I'm sure I'll do fine.
I realised that I've yet to accomplish or do plenty of things such as like meeting up with my secondary school friends, my ACSi friends and also my other friends. I'm really sorry guys, really could have made the best effort even when I was kinda busy. I will see you guys soon.
Really do appreciate the comfort and motivation I get from my family and friends, its one of the most important factors in life whereby one is going through a difficult phase in their life but yet they'll definitely tide through with the help of their close ones. A big thank you and hug to all :)
Yesterday, I shaved my head at a Malay barber at Siglap Centre... was kinda like awkward at first with Nav watching and all, then towards the end, I felt that I actually do look fine with the least amount of hair on my head despite the fact that its obviously better with my usual hairdo. The picture of me bald is on Facebook @ Don't laugh at it!
My current thoughts now knowing that I will be heading into my 2 years of service in camp starting from tomorrow is that, I'm still jittery and sour about it but will try my utmost best to do myself proud and for those people around me too.
By the way, I've gotten a lousy NOKIA phone which I'll be using another number, I will not reveal the number due to privacy reasons.... but if you need to contact me, you can leave a message on my current cell number and I'll get back to you once I'm home after my 2 weeks of confinement and the subsequent weekends when I'm out alright.
Do wish me all the best and you may leave your well wishes on my wall on facebook. Thank you and I'll be right back :)
That's all for now, I will do my next post either tonight or before I leave in the morning tomorrow.
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